BAREG has donated a detailed scale model of the U-1105 to the Piney Point Lighthouse Museum and Historic Park.  The donation was made possible with funding from the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT).

In 2020, BAREG was awarded a grant from MHT to conduct a survey of the U-boat wreck which lies on the bottom of the Potomac River off Piney Point, Maryland.  BAREG member Aaron Hamilton worked for months with a professional model maker to build a 1/60 scale exact replica of U-1105 circa April 1945. At 44 inches (1.2 meters) long the model showcases all of the U-boat’s unique features to include its Alberich rubber coating, Type I Schnorchel configuration, GHG Balkon sonar array, and other structural elements unique to a late-war U-boat with an expanded Wintergarden (gun platforms).

The model was donated to the museum by BAREG for all to enjoy.

BAREG Donates U-boat Model to the Piney Point Lighthouse Museum U-1105 model


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