The Battle of the Atlantic Research and Expedition Group is pleased and proud to announce that we are now SDI-TDI Training Facility 1004534.

What this means for the Group is that, beginning in 2018, we will offer our members advanced SDI recreational specialty courses that have application to maritime history and archaeology, as well as the full range of TDI open circuit technical courses up to and including normoxic Trimix, and we will do it at a very competitive price.

To be clear: we will remain a 501(c)3 focused strictly on maritime history and archaeology and not allow ourselves to become overly-commercialized. However, owning our own dive training program and liability insurance provides us a degree of independence we’ve never had before, and this will be to the betterment of the organization.

There remains a lot of planning to be done to nail down details. We are shooting for holding a combined General Membership meeting/Battle of the Atlantic Symposium in probably early February. However, we will not wait until then to release updates, the first of which will be the full Implementation Plan and Research Design for the U-552 Campaign, which was presented at our 2017 Battle of the Atlantic Symposium.

Sam Abbe

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