Ebb and Flow

Chris Sweeney has stepped down from the Deputy Ops Coordinator position due to his decision to leave the madness of the Beltway behind. He will serve on as BAREG’s member representative in western New York State. Endless thanks for Chris for his service as BAREG’s Deputy Ops Coordinator. We will hold a special election at the 4 November business meeting to fill the Deputy position until the next board election at the 2024 business meeting.


  1. Nautical Archaeological Society (NAS) Training – The weekends of either 14&15 or 21&22 October are available for the NAS Underwater Recorder and Surveyor Short Course. The course would be taught by Troy Nowak, professional archaeologist, BAREG member, and NAS instructor. This will be the last opportunity for formal NAS training and certification prior to the Atlas 2024 survey. The costs are $75.00 for the hands-on training and there is a charge for the NAS on-line training. The hands-on training will take place in the lower Potomac River on a shallow wreck.  Please let me know soonest if you’re interested in taking the NAS training on either of the dates above.
  2. BAREG has fully booked the trip to Scapa Flow in October 2024. We filled the trip in less than one day and now we have a waitlist. Given the interest in a big trip like Scapa Flow, we’re considering offering Bell Island again as this year’s trip had a low turnout. Please let me know if you’re interested in a week-long trip to Bell Island, Newfoundland in the summer of 2024.


U-1105 Dives, Lower Potomac River, 15 & 16 July

Seven BAREG divers dove our backyard U-boat in good conditions, save for the swarms of stinging sea nettles common to the Bay and its tributaries in mid-summer. Viz on the wreck was 2-3 feet, very good for summer. Viz in the upper water column was about one foot, that’s more typical of summer conditions. Two of the divers made their first dives on the U-1105.

Many thanks to BAREG member Megan Rosengrant for serving as boat captain and freeing up the Ops Coordinator to dive the U-boat. Thanks too, to Cameron Hamilton for serving as first mate.

Bell Island Wrecks, Newfoundland, 5-12 August 2023

BAREG returned to the cold waters (33 to 40 degrees F) of Newfoundland to dive the Bell Island wrecks. The trip was on BAREG’s 2023 calendar, but only one diver signed on (the Ops Coordinator). Of the four wrecks, the SS Rose Castle, is the best preserved, but all of the wrecks have outstanding features. Moreover, Newfoundland was on the front line of the Battle of the Atlantic and there was a lot to explore when not diving. BAREG will return to Bell Island, possibly in 2024, or in 2025.

Breech, 4-inch gun, SS Strathcona, Conception Bay, Newfoundland

Breech, 4-inch gun, SS Strathcona, Conception Bay, Newfoundland


U-853 Dive Trip, Rhode Island Sound, 26&27 August 2023

Five BAREG tec divers dove U-853 in fair to poor conditions. However, all dives went well and one diver made his first dives on the U-853. The U-853’s two diesel engines were photographed to support further study of engine settings for schnorkel-equipped U-boats. The U-853 is an annual BAREG event and for member tec divers, this dive is the best site off the East Coast for seeing a somewhat intact U-boat wreck. This year’s trip was originally scheduled for June and we are fortunate to have a charter operator who worked with us to find an alternative weekend.

Open torpedo tube muzzle door, port side, U-853

Open torpedo tube muzzle door, port side, U-853

Forward end, stbd MAN diesel engine, U-853; schnorkel status indicator in the concretion.

Forward end, stbd MAN diesel engine, U-853; schnorkel status indicator in the concretion.


Looking Ahead for the remainder of 2023 and early 2024:

23&24 September 2023, USS Oriskany (CV-34) Dive Trip Re-attack
Pensacola, FL

30 September & 1 October 2023, U-1105 Dives (showtimes TBD)
Tall Timbers Marina
Tall Timbers, MD 20690

4 November 2023, BAREG Business Meeting (tentative start 0930, stand by for update)
Mantua Swim & Tennis Club
9330 Pentland Pl
Fairfax, VA, 22031

2&3 December 2023, U-1105 Buoy Ops (showtimes TBD, working dives, divers selected by Ops Coordinator and Deputy Ops Coordinator)
Tall Timbers Marina
Tall Timbers, MD 20690

27 January 2024, BAREG 2024 Symposium


Fred Engle
Ops Coordinator


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