This is the final announcement for our upcoming annual symposium on Saturday, 25 January. Attached you’ll find the agenda, the proposed charter revisions, a membership form, and our 2020 activities sked.

WRT the membership form, we’re sending it out because we’ve noticed the information we have on our membership roster is out of date for many members. For example, a number of members have old information regarding certifications. If you’ve had any changes with your certs, emergency pocs, email/physical addresses, please use the membership form to update those areas. You can email the form back to me or bring it to the symposium.

The final attachment is the most important as it is our sked for 2020. We need divers to commit to trips and the Atlas project now. Please let us know via email or at the symposium the activities you will sign on for, and then stand by for a call for deposits.

Looking forward to a great symposium on Saturday at 0900 at Our Lady of Good Counsel School, 8601 Wolftrap Rd, Vienna, VA. Hope to see many of you all there.


Sam Abbe

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